impermanence, uniqueness, fallability, link to an art form that is millenia old, and it transcends class... the things you create are things that people use every single day, and it's like a web of ... it's a craft and an art form... there's a malleability to it, even in the definition of what IT is, and everything you make starts the same, with dirt, water, minerals, and the endless variety of things you can make with it is astonishing... and i want to explore that for the rest of my life... because it connects me to everyone who's made it in the past and connects me to anyone who's ever held it in their hands and thought "this is cool". and even long after I'm dead, someone might hold my things and think it's cool.
Unlike a brush, little bits of me are transferred into this... my DNA... you're not going to get that at Walmart.
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