Change of plans, instead of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, here's a recording with our wonderful Lilly. We asked her what her favorite thing about Christmas was and she said, "Being with my family."
Use pre-made stencils or your own design (I cut mine out from a file folder)
Use a stiff paint brush or foam brush to press fabric paint into your stencil
Arguably, not the most important step, but it looks pretty, doesn't it?
Emily's sister loves this song. Some people feel it's often overdone, and it can lose some of its emotional impact when performed in a showy manner. There are many rich points in this melody that grip the listener and build to a massive culmination. It's exactly how we'll feel on Christmas.
Find a loved one and give them a warm hug. Tell them you love them.
It's Christmas Eve and I guess, most importantly, people should sing with their parents as much as possible.
We don't often get Mary's perspective in a lot of things. This is her prophetic vision and a moment of peace between her and her child. Super important. Super beautiful.
We hope you've gotten some hope, joy, peace, and love from these weeks of Advent. Your listens and views really meant a lot to us. We appreciate you for coming here and sharing in this with us. If you'd like to go back and enjoy all the songs, see the playlist below.
Blessings to all of you, and wishing you a Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, and Happy Holidays!!!
Special thanks to our hardcore listeners in Bern, Buffalo, Dallas, Dublin, Georgetown, Haverhill, Lafayette, Lahore, New York, Ossining, Park Forest Village, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Quakertown, Quincy, San Francisco, Sessions, Sitka, Tarrytown, and Washington
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